Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

Lease, rent or buy bean to cup coffee machines for barista-quality drinks at a touch of a button. Commercial bean to cup coffee machines are ideal for serving quality coffee drinks made from fresh coffee beans and, with an easy, user-friendly operation, require no additional training from traditional coffee machines. With minimal input & no mess, bean to cup is the perfect coffee machine for any business or commercial setting. Designed to be an easy alternative to ground coffee, these automatic coffee machines use granulated or fresh milk for a wide range of popular espresso-based beverages. Some high end bean to cup models also serve hot chocolate and tea. We also supply office coffee machines specifically designed for work environments.

laRhea V+ grande premium
Rhea RTT3 Coffee Machine
RH TT1 Coffee Machine
Rhea BL Vho Coffee Machine
Rhea BL EC Coffee Machine
Rhea BL Doppio & Cup Coffee Machine
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